Hotel Mandakini always keeps quality aspect in check, thus employs only vocationally trained individuals to effectively manage and run the hotel and services. With a world-class hotel staff and equally remarkable range of services, the hotel assures a home like treatment and complete comfort to the guests. The services are delivered with professional precision to leave the guests amid the desired warmth and hospitality. The accommodation facilities alongside luxury rooms, air condition, cable connection, internet facilities etc allure the guests to seek their stay yet again once after leaving satisfied. Although Hotel Manadakini is a cheap Budget hotel near Badrinath, But it extends a top notch quality service to its guests.
The hotel offers a memorable dining experience with its multi cuisine restaurant. The restaurant provides a wide menu for lunch and dinner serving Indian, Chinese and Continental cuisine.
Hotel Mandakini strives for the best possible stay of the guests, thus managing all sorts of modern amenities. The rooms cheer the guests for its striking décor and effectively meet their standards and artistic preferences. The fully A/C rooms with attached bath room arrange everything inside: 24 Hours hot and cold water, Cable Television and Telephone facilities etc.<